5 Ways to Help You Keep Your New Years Resolutions!

As we jump into a new year and a new decade, much of the world is surrounded by the hype of self-improvement. However, as we all know, most people unfortunately fall off their resolutions within a few weeks. I wanted to share 5 ways to help you keep your new years resolutions.

1)       Write Down Your Goal and Your “Why” for the Goal:

If you don’t keep your goals and your “why” for the goal visible, they can get lost as life tries to pull you in various directions. Put it in a place that you go to or see often. Make it the home screen of your phone. This will be a constant reminder of what you are shooting for and will help you avoid the temptations of life that are pulling you away from becoming a stronger you.

2)       Make sure its Measurable (Yes I Did, No I Didn’t)

You need to be able to clearly state to others if you are meeting your goal with a solid yes or no!

Weak Goal:

-          Getting a gym membership – I am going to start going to the gym more.

Strong Goal:

-          Getting a gym membership – I am going to go to the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

3)       Commit to 2 months and then a Lifetime:

You need to make your goal a part of your life forever. If you are setting it as a New Year’s resolution, most likely you know it will benefit your life. That will only come after consistent execution of your goal and it can take up to two months for it to be a habit in your life. Change your life by building the habit.

4)       Schedule Time to Track your Progress:

Schedule 2 min each day to come back to your goal, your “WHY” and track your progress. 2 min before bed, 2 min when you wake up. Set an alarm on your phone for a time during the day to keep you accountable.

5)       Find Support in Community

Helen Keller said it best “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” Tell people and inspire others through your resolution. Tell people who will hold you accountable because they love you and want you to succeed. Find people who are going on the journey as well and use them as support.

If you follow these simple steps, you will come closer to achieving that resolution you set out for this year.

Move Well, Play Hard, Have Fun!

Patrick Stone