Top Three Reasons to Build Your Own Home Gym Today!

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Build your own home gym you say? My gym just re-opened and now you are telling me to workout at home? And wait! Don’t you own a gym? Don’t you want me to come to your facility? The truth is, for most people the home gym will not be the “end all, be all” of your fitness experience. Most people like going to their brick and mortar because it gives them a sense of community being surrounded by other hardworking, likeminded people. In addition, most people tend to push themselves outside of their comfort zone more when participating in physical activity with others. Nevertheless, a home gym can be as asset to your fitness regime.

Like I said in a previous post “People who are “Fit” created a habitual foundation of strong dietary habits and exercise.” TIME too often is the excuse that is most commonly used by people for not following a diet or exercise program. Let’s build an asset that removes the excuse! Below are my top 3 reasons to build you own home gym today.

1)      REMOVES THE EXCUSE OF TIME: I have been there, a meeting runs over, you oversleep, the kids are sick. Life is going to try to steal your time and pull you in a variety of directions. You may miss your 5PM Fitness class, but that does not mean you need to miss the opportunity to workout. Will it be as intense, fun or what you pictured (no), will there be kids running around in the back ground, will the dog be barking, will there be a reason to stop for a moment (most definitely)! But the goal of getting that workout done at home is less about getting the best workout of your life and more about keeping the routine and removing the excuse to not workout.

2)      CONVENIENCE: It’s at your home! This is why it’s so easy to binge watch Netflix. It’s in your home. You can workout at any time and really only need to take 20-30 min to get in a good workout. That can happen before work, after work, before bed, in the middle of the night. All the times you watch a ½ hour of TV out of nowhere, you can take a ½ hour to get your workout done and keep the routine.

3)      LIFESTYLE: You are making a commitment to a lifestyle of fitness. It does not matter if the state closes your gym for three months. I am still going to workout because this is who I am and this is what I do. I #dothething…You are not only setting up the conditions to ensure that you are the healthiest version of yourself, but you are setting an example and inspiring others (kids, family, friends) who live with you or follow you if you are posting to the GRAM! “Post it or it Don’t Count!”

Now like I said “it may never be as awesome as going HAM at the gym and being able to socialize with friends after a good workout. But it will help to remove the excuses, provide some convenience and support in building a lifestyle surrounded by fitness.


Coach Patrick Stone

Patrick Stone